Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Perfect Breakfast

The Perfect BreakfastWhat is the Perfect Breakfast?

Ok, so I know that many people are on the go, and they just want something to eat before they have to be wherever they're going, and if it does the job then great.

But I also know that many people have coffee because they want an energy boost to start the day, so they can start making money at whatever they're doing.

 Well what if you could eat something that were quick, easy, and gave you that boost that also prevents you from being hungry for hours, was easy to digest, and was actually HEALTHY for you?

Wouldn't that be the perfect breakfast?

The video gives you my recipe for the Perfect Breakfast, and it has everything you need in a meal to get you going- AND provides you with the servings of Fruits and Vegetables you need in the day!

Perfect Breakfast Recipe:

1-2 Cups of Orange Juice 1 Banana (frozen or unfrozen)
1-2 scoops of BIOTRUST Low-Carb Protein Powder
1 Serving of SCOOP OF SEXY Green Drink Powder.

 Optional: 3 Frozen Strawberries, small handful of Frozen Blueberries, or any other frozen fruit you'd like to add for taste or variety. Blend together and drink it down!

Play with your own recipes, but know that the Banana, the BIOTRUST PROTEIN and the SCOOP OF SEXY make the Perfect Breakfast ingredients so that you can go and be Half-Assed Healthy!

Here's why- The energy you get from the sugars in the fruits are longer-lasting than the carbs you'll get from a bagel, and the bagel will eventually put a ring around your belly. Not good naked. The Scoop Of Sexy powder will help to detox and rid your body of the build-up of other foods and non-digestibles because of all of the super-greens in it. The protein is high-quality, and will burn longer, staving off hunger.

The Perfect Breakfast
If you'd like to know how else to Look Good Naked, buy a copy of  "Half-Assed Health- How To Look Good Naked WITHOUT Starving, Suffering, or Surgery!" from Amazon. 

Looking Good Naked is EASY if you do it Half-Assed!

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