Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Are you a SUPER Penguin?


OK-OK- Maybe 10,000 is a little much, but how's ONE THOUSAND?
Can we make it to 1,000 downloads
by MIDNIGHT 2/14/2013 ?
Enter your email below, and then continue..

"Help Me Super Penguin... You're My Only Hope!"

Yesterday I released my first book for children- "What Kind Of Penguin Are YOU?" for FREE and I plan to keep it that way until midnight on Valentine's Day, but I have a goal-

I want the book to get 1,000 FREE Downloads.

Why? Well, more people will see the book, and parents cruising Amazon for a book for their kids will see it, and enjoy it with their kids, and wouldn't that be awesome?

But I can't do it alone, and yesterday, my AWESOME FRIENDS have been passing along my webpage and sharing it, and making me feel fantastic- but I need it to go further if it's going to break out past my personal contacts and be seen over the Disney's and the Toy-inspired books.
So I figured out a plan- but I need help- From SUPER PENGUINS
When you share something on facebook, there's a little "Promote" button right under your post.:
I'm asking you to hit that "promote" button for me, and that would be SUPER!

It'll cost you $7. 

Yes- I know, I'm asking you to spend your money on MY promotion, and even though I don't get a cent out of any of this, I figure I should compensate you for the $7... here's what I figured out:

1- You OF COURSE get the Book- "What Kind Of Penguin Are YOU?" FREE at Amazon (click now)

2- Amazon will ask if you want to post that you downloaded the book, and you can click "Share"- (If you already did, just share that) When you post, just comment on it saying "I'm a SUPER PENGUIN!"

When I reach 1,000 downloads- I will add these bonuses for EVERYONE on the list:

3- I will send out 4 NEW PENGUINS that you can download as a .pdf, along with the bonuses I included in the first book- a coloring penguin and instructions for making a Paper Penguin Beak.

4- You will get VIP treatment at a show that I do with Freestyle Repertory Theatre in New York sometime.

4- You'll be on my list, and be the FIRST to learn about the next books I release!

All for hitting that $7 "promote" button, (of which I get 0- it all goes to Zuckerberg, but that's cool- he deserves it)

So- If you're down with that, and want to be a SUPER PENGUIN. please post THIS WEBPAGE and click "Promote".

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