Saturday, February 9, 2013

Books for Children- "What Kind Of Penguin Are YOU?"

Books For Children- What Kind Of Penguin Are YouIf you're looking for books for children, "What Kind Of Penguin Are YOU?" may be what you're looking for...

Written by a 12-year veteran of Performing for Kids, "What Kind Of Penguin Are YOU?" is one of the rare books for children that talks directly to the reader.

The question is asked so that your child may ask themselves who they want to be- but not "when they grow up", but Who They Want To Be RIGHT NOW, then you'll understand why this is one of the special books for children.

John "Bones" Rodriguez has been performing with Freestyle Repertory Theatre for the past 12 years, and they are the #1 Assembly group in the Tri-State area of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

You may have seen their video about the shows they do in schools, but they have also been doing writing workshops, so they have EXTENSIVE experience entertaining and educating children.

Now that author John "Bones" Rodriguez has started writing Books for Children, he intends on writing several more to bring parents and their children to experience some joy together.

There will be a special LIMITED-TIME FREE OFFER for the bonus book- Get on the mailing list to get the offer:

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There are Many Books For Children- Why "What Kind Of Penguin Are YOU?"

As a performer, I often hear children talking about what they want to be "when they grow up" instead of what they want to be NOW. Many children don't know that they can choose what they want to be at ANY MOMENT, and the freedom and fun that comes with that CHOICE.

You can sign up now and get on the mailing list for future books for children from John "Bones" Rodriguez on his personal website.

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