Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I make a PERFECT Blog post on "Medium"- See?

I just wrote the PERFECT blog post on a new blog platform: Medium.
The title is: 

“Good” Now is BETTER than “Perfect” Never

Of course you can do better, but so what?

I ended up telling the story of how I got to write the post... Kinda brilliant, and yes- it's all true. Check it out:


I’m not going to rewrite this blog post.
Also, this is my very first post on MEDIUM, and the only reason I’m here is that Gary Vaynerchuk told me to be in his interview with Marie Forleo this morning.
I asked myself- what would be the PERFECT post to write about, and have I explored something before, so I can then re-direct people to my blog where they’ll maybe buy one of my books, or one of my opportunities to work from home?
I looked at my past posts to see what I could just reproduce here, and found I have actually written some pretty cool things, but a lot of them have a video in them, which I can’t do here.
So, then I looked at the documents I have on Scribd, all basically short reports designed to get people to click through and buy something else.
Now, mind you, this is all good stuff, but not really perfect for my first post on MEDIUM, I mean, fromt he homepage, it seems this is a place for VALUE, for EXPERTISE, and for REPUTATION.
So, finally, I decided I was going to write a post for Actors, since I am starting up a community dffor actors who want to learn how to not have day jobs. I am an actor in New York, and haven’t had a day job in 10 years, so I am beginning to help other people do that.
I wrote a book on it, so I figured I would write my first post in MEDIUM about how I got here, the story of the past 10 years.
I have obviously not done that (Or have I been extremely clever, and kinda done that anyway?).
However, I realized that I had wasted about an hour with the edit screen up, the title not composed, nothing written, and the tab open waiting to find the PERFECT thing to write about and the perspective to use.
That’s when I remembered one of my favorite quotes “Good Now Is Better Than Perfect Never”.
I got mad at myself for wasting the time and energy in trying to find “PERFECT”, when I just needed to get started. Now that I just started writing, I see that not only did I get in just about every point I wanted to, I hopefully got the point across:
That waiting for the perfect moment is an exercise in futility, and often doing what’s “good enough” will suffice. And then you can “Ship it” as Seth Godin says.
Nope, it will never be perfect, and now that I look at it, I see that I never even mentioned the “Of course you can do better” part, but so what? Here it is, “Good enough”.
I would mark this first post on MEDIUM as “Good enough”, and so I’ll end it right here.
What do you think?
Kinda clever, right?
I really wanted to edit it- I even clicked "edit" because I wanted to at least add a picture, but I chose not to. What's there is what's there. BUT- here's a picture for here- 
So here's the thing, if you're with me on the whole "Good Now is better than perfect never" idea, share this and leave a comment. 

I wanna see if you're out there. You may not be, but I'm asking.


  1. Yes- I left it with typos and all, so maybe I went a bit too far...

    What happens when it's not quite good enough either?

  2. This reminds me of something that my sister says often (it might be a Jim Rohnism), "Done is better than perfect." I have absolutely embraced this idea because it helps me when I drive myself crazy trying to make or wait for perfect. I enjoyed some of the videos you posted with my family. Thank you for adding value to the world.

  3. Everybody loves Jim Rohn! Thanks so much for the Thanks!! That just about made my evening!

    (I was looking for the perfect thing to write back, but this is pretty close ;-D )


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