Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Economy DESTROYED- what to do NOW...

Seriously you guys, our dollars are losing value as you read this.

As Neale Donald Walsch says "When everything changes, CHANGE EVERYTHING",
so I'm taking it upon myself to make some adjustments, and I hope you
are too. Here are some of the things on my list to change:

I'm learning new skills for the next "big thing" on MOBILE platforms:

I'm expanding to getting more checks from:

I'm moving towards the FUTURE of business with:

I'm updating my 1st ebook "No More Waiters"-

I'm re-writing the FREE STAR TREK BOOK:

Why? Well, it's not about gaining the actual money,
it's about building new skills and knowledge that
can be used later- if you're with me,
comment below. If not, then comment below.
(I have a guess who will be first)


  1. I look forward to see your new Star Trek book, Bones, and I hope everything looks up there in the US!!

  2. very inspiring,
    i have been thinking lately about building new skills aswell, so your blog came right on time.


  3. I look forward to reading your updated book. Please let me know when it's finished.

  4. Good ideas! I'm studying Arabic, Farsi, and Hebrew. Also brushing up my lifeguarding skills. My vote is always to try to know as many languages as possible -- what better way to be a citizen of the world!

  5. I am trying to learn things that will help me cope with retirement in 6 years or so. I am old. Anyway, good luck with your journey!

  6. I'm ready to make some changes too! :)

  7. Ha, I'm actually gotten pretty okay with my lower status right now job-wise, so am picking up my trombone again and joining a community band and reading a wider variety of books and finding new cheap things to occupy my time and give me enjoyment. I admire those trying to expand themselves!

  8. What's the surprise? You're always a surprise and a delightful one! I'm really trying to change my level of physical activity. I need to make it stick and make a routine out of it. I keep pulling my Achilles tendon with even guarded exercise. grrrr. Working on it, though, as well as incorporating more reading into my nights - pleasure reading - not work reading. Just read Merle's Door, by Ted Kerasota - wonderful for anyone who "gets" dogs and their innate intelligence; reading The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls, a little too close to my own childhood - yikes! : ) Wendy


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