Sunday, February 6, 2011

Big Al's Super Bowl Prediction

Big Al's Super Bowl prediction...

I don't know who is going to win, but I know who is going to lose.

The advertisers!

Sure, Green Bay and Pittsburgh are going to play the game, but the big money is on the advertising.

Think of the poor advertiser. The company spends a few million dollars producing an ad, setting up distribution, and renting a few seconds time during the Super Bowl.

After this huge expense, the advertiser gets a customer.

And then, along comes a network marketer who has a relationship with that customer, and poof! The advertiser loses the customer.

The advertiser is at a huge disadvantage by having no relationship with the customer. The network marketer only has to say:

* "Hey Mom, would you help me by changing your phone service to my company?"

* "John, you just have to try this diet product. Worked for me. Look!"

* "Mary, try this moisturizer. I love the secret ingredient."

And all the advertiser can do now is . . . spend more money to find a new customer.

As network marketers, let's take advantage of our ability to talk to our prospects face-to-face.

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