Friday, November 22, 2013

A Sure Way To "Discharge" Pain and Discomfort

Are you an actor, or an artist, or a PERSON, and Are you looking to get rid of your Pain and Discomfort?

I'm about to show you a way that does exactly that- INSTANTLY.

But you shouldn't use it.

You shouldn't use it because it actually robs you of the very thing that will make you change, grow and make you take action to make a difference.

When you have pain and discomfort, you are often motivated to change something. Whether it's the situation, how you see it, or yourself- changing something is a way to overcome it.

But most people use this technique instead.

And it gets them results.
It gets them results that relieve the pain and discomfort, but still leaves the problem.

It's called BLAME.

If something isn't working out, if you can't seem to get on top of something, or overcome something, you can just BLAME someone or something else.

And your pain and discomfort is magically..."discharged".

Here's the thing- you're probably wondering why I came to this conclusion, but it isn't mine. It's from Brene Brown and her two TED talks.

You kinda have to see them together, one after the next, and this little nugget of wisdom is sandwiched in between her talk about VULNERABILITY.

That's a whole other topic, but let me say this on it:
If you're an actor or an artist, your TRUE art only reveals itself when you're SCARED of what it will reveal about you and your soul.

The rest is funny faces... which I love too! :-D

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